Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Rehabilitation of Markos Moulitsas

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Today, Markos Moulitsas, is the doctrinaire ostensibly-leftist publisher of the DailyKos blog, railing against the moderation of candidates like Hillary Rodham Clinton and Harold Ford.   But in the nineteen-eighties, Markos c. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) was an unabashed Reagan Democrat, even serving as a campaign worke to George H.W. Bush in the 1992 Presidential election, according to MAMZ:

In 1996, in an autobiographical article MAMZ wrote for the (libertarian) 'Cato Institute, MAMZ acknowledged that he spent the 1980's as a Reagan Republican. (See ''The Case for the Libertarian Democrat, and see also here.

How did MAMZ achieve this stunning metamorphosis in just a few short years? Actually, nobody knows and MAMZ isn't telling. He has told interviewers, improbably, that he last voted for the Republicans in 1992 (against Bill Clinton for president), because he subsequently became disenchanted with the Republicans' lessening commitment to ''states rights. The Republicans no longer advocated for states rights as strongly as MAMZ would have liked. (See articles above.)

MAMZ said at the time:

"We can fondly look back to a time [during the 1980's Reagan Administration] when Republicans spoke a good game on libertarian issues . . .[including] fealty to state rights . . ." The Case for the Libertarian Democrat (by Markos Moulitsas)

States rights  is the right-wing proposition that the federal government lacks the Constitutional authority under the Fourteenth Amendment to oblige the states observe the Constitutional protection and rights to which the Federal Government must observe, e.g. integration of public schools and lunch counters.. States rights was the clarion call of southern segregationists against integration of schools and restaurants.

Considering that, for MAMZ, part of the Republicans "speaking a good game" on libertarian issues consisted, in MAMZ's words, of "fealty to states rights", clearly Markos is saying that he stopped supporting the Republicans because they stopped supporting states rights.  This is a curious reason to become a Democrat after having supported Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, as well as Henry Hyde, the arch-conservative Republican congressman who opposed all abortion rights and led the House hearings on Bill Clinton's impeachment. 

MAMZ's ostensible rejection of the Republicans today over states rights does not  make sense, because Republicans' dedication to states rights has not diminished at all. One would have thought that George H.W. Bush's appointment of Justice Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court would have satisfied MAMZ's thirst for states rights jurisprudence on the US Supreme Court, since Justice Thomas has been among the foremost proponents of states rights on the US Supreme Court, while rejecting the incorporation of national civil rights into obligations incumbent upon the states.

On the question of states rights, the Washington Post's E. J. Dion has written,
What was once obvious is becoming painfully obvious again: The doctrine of states' rights, so often invoked as a principle, is almost always a pretext to deny the federal government authority to do things that conservatives dislike. These include expanding claims to individual rights, increasing protections for the environment and regulating business.
For example,
In the ground-breaking 2000 case, United States v. Morrison, the Supreme Court was presented with a constitutional challenge to 42 U.S.C. 13981, the provision of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) that gives victims of gender-motivated violence a private right of action against their assailants. In a 5-4 decision, the Court struck down the law, holding that the Commerce Clause did not provide Congress with the authority to enact the civil remedy portion of VAWA, since the provision was found not to be a regulation of activity that "substantially affected" interstate commerce; and secondly, because the enforcement clause of the Fourteenth Amendment did not provide Congress with authority to enact the provision . . .
With Thomas and four other justices declining to extend the enforcement clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to enact VAWA, "the unfortunate consequence of a series of political decisions harking back to Reconstruction" occurred, said Jack Balkin, a law professor at Yale. The 14th Amendment is arguably the natural home of civil rights legislation, as it guarantees equal citizenship, and it gives Congress power to enforce equality rights. Balkin elaborates, "We should recognize what the framers of the 14th Amendment intended: Congress has an independent power and obligation to promote and protect equal citizenship and civil rights." Therefore, if Congress believes that a law is necessary and proper to promote equal citizenship, it should have the power to pass it "without using the fiction that inequality affects interstate commerce."
. . . The effects of Morrison have undermined civil rights generally and women's safety issues in particular. "The Rehnquist Court's ruling in U.S. v. Morrison is a setback for women's rights and a triumph for those that seek to roll back 30 years of federal civil rights law under the guise of states' rights," said Kathy Rodgers. "The Court has slammed shut the courthouse door, wished women good luck, and sent us back to the states for justice."
With Clarence Thomas appointed to the US Supreme Court to uphold states’ rights, it hardly seems logical that Markos would have abandoned the Republicans who had done so much to revive “states rights” in the post Civil Rights era, particularly with the appoint of Clarence Thomas, the foremost advocate of states’ rights.
And therein lies the mystery of Markos. Why is he a Democrat at all, if he still supports states’ rights?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gay Agenda Blog Addresses Markos Moulitsas' Letter Opposing ALL Gay Service in the US Military

eSurveying the vast universe of gay news, features, celebrities, and opinion.

What’s Your “Daily” Kos? Does it Change?

By James Hipps, first posted at GayAgenda.Com. and cross-filched here.

I ran across this very interesting comment on a short post I wrote about Illinois Rep. Mike Quiqley and speaking out against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

I’m not posting this to call anyone out. I do feel however, if nothing else, it could perhaps show something very positive, and that is attitudes and ideas change, and many times that change is for the better.

I believe it’s crucial that gays receive support rather than recriminations. And yet many gays enter the military in their teens and are faced with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, a policy under which the dismissal of gays from the military has increased rather than decreased.

If you want someone to blame for this horrible policy, look no further than ex-military people who raised their voices in apparent unison back in 1993, demanding that Clinton not allow gays to participate in the military. Here’s just one example from back then and it comes from a surprising source: Markos Moulitsas, the owner of the DailyKos blog, who was in the military before he started his DailyKos blog. Here’s what he wrote and published at his college newspaper for other teenaged gays to read:

“Military Right”


It’s truly disturbing how much ado has been made over Bill Clinton’s campaign promise to lift the ban on homosexuals from the U.S. military. It’s ironic how it has taken a president who has never served in the military to make a promise that affects the military in such a negative manner.

Those who have served in the military, such as myself, understand the demands and pressures of military life are incompatible with allowing integration with homosexuals. I’m neither socially conservative or prejudiced, and neither is liberal columnist Mike Royko, Gen. Colin Powell, and influential liberal Democrats Sam Nunn and Les Aspin, all who’ve come out against lifting the ban.

Under military circumstances, as much has to be done as possible to focus the unit’s mission and keep disciplinary problems to a minimum. Worrying about whether the known homosexual sleeping next to you is watching as you change your underwear may seem trivial as you read this, but to the soldier who’s short-tempered after three weeks in the field and four hours of daily sleep, it becomes a matter of great importance to his pride and sensibilities. And in any case, there aren’t many people who would change clothes in a group of co-workers if members of the opposite sex were in the same room watching. There is something inherently uncomfortable about it.

Such fears would go a long way in disrupting efficiency and morale in a unit.




Monday, September 7, 2009

Everyone Wants to Know, "Is Markos Moulitsas Gay?"

My site meter hit counter at the Truth About Kos blog tells me that many people are coming to this blog wanting to know if Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga is gay or not. Let me tell you, first of all, that it's much more important to know that he spent two years working and training at the CIA between 2001 and 2003, by his own account. Compared to that, how much difference does it really make whether he is gay or not, unless you're hoping to get with him at the next Netroots Nation?

I'd rather spend the afternoon naked in a sauna surrounded by forty gay men than spend ten minutes surrounded by forty CIA agents. How about you? Which would YOU choose? I'd rather be jailed for soliciting gay sex than picked up by the CIA for "questioning" at a secret site in Turkey. I'd rather spend the afternoon with sixty gay men dressed as cowboys than spend the afternoon surrounded by officers from NYPD. How about you? In other words, I'm much more concerned about Moulitsas' connection to the CIA than whether he likes to be on top or on the bottom (if at all).

Unlike Markos Moulitsas, I'm not desperately afraid of gay people (see below), which is a characterstic, studies show, associated with a secret arousal by, and desire for, gay sex.

Anyhow, the reason people want to know if Markos Moulitsas is gay is that they want to know what level of hypocrisy he was demonstrating when he wrote and published this letter at his college newspaper:
Published on Monday, January 25, 1993

It's truly disturbing how much ado has been made over Bill Clinton's campaign promise to lift the ban on homosexuals from the U.S. military. It's ironic how it has taken a president who has never served in the military to make a promise that affects the military in such a negative manner.

Those who have served in the military, such as myself, understand the demands and pressures of military life are incompatible with allowing integration with homosexuals. I'm neither socially conservative or prejudiced, and neither is liberal columnist Mike Royko, Gen. Colin Powell, and influential liberal Democrats Sam Nunn and Les Aspin, all who've come out against lifting the ban.

Under military circumstances, as much has to be done as possible to focus the unit's mission and keep disciplinary problems to a minimum. Worrying about whether the known homosexual sleeping next to you is watching as you change your underwear may seem trivial as you read this, but to the soldier who's short-tempered after three weeks in the field and four hours of daily sleep, it becomes a matter of great importance to his pride and sensibilities. And in any case, there aren't many people who would change clothes in a group of co-workers if members of the opposite sex were in the same room watching. There is something inherently uncomfortable about it.

Such fears would go a long way in disrupting efficiency and morale in a unit.




I recently read of study that concluded that if you put electrodes on the penises of gay men and straight men and men who viscerally hate gays, the men who viscerally hate gays are also the men whose penises become most engorged when they see movies of men having sex with other men. In other words, the men who think they are most anti-gay are the men who would most like to engage in gay sex, but they hate gays (and themselves) for wanting to get down with another man.

If Markos Moultisas is gay, then he is also the worst sort of Sen. Larry Craig "wide-stance" hypocrite for writing the above letter, condemning other people for being part of a group of which Markos Moulitsas also was a member: gay people. To insist that you can't stand being around gay people when it is YOU who are looking at THEIR underwear would be the worst kind of self-deception and self-hate imagineable.

And if that is who and how Markos Moulitsas is, then why the hell are so many people so eager follow him and ask him to define what it means to be "progressive", "liberal" or "leftist" when the above letter shows him to be rigid, insensitive, absurdly self-conscious, homophobic, and adverse to diversity?

If this letter were the only example of this inside view of Markos Moulitsas' mind, then we could dismiss it as a momentary aberration. But, when we read the absurd article he wrote which he entitled, "The Soldier in Me", and combine that with our knowledge that he spent two years "training" and working with the CIA, (something he has been unwilling to discuss, explain, confirm or deny, since he admitted it in his June 2, 2006 interview at the Commonwealth Club), we can only conclude that this man has to be a CIA asset, infiltrator, or, as he put it, "secret agent".

Personally, I wish the facts just showed Moulitsas to be merely gay, like Congressman Barney Frank. I've collaborated with Congressman Barney Frank on immigration policy and services, and I'm not afraid of entrusting Democratic Party responsibilities and strategies to Congressman Frank. But, I don't trust ANYONE, ANYWHERE who spent two years training at the CIA. I agree with truthout at YouTube, who said, "Once CIA, Always CIA".

(Why does Alternet do a biography on Moulitsas, mentioning his military service and his parentage, but not mentioning his well-known Google-searchable connection to the CIA? They must be part of the official farce, right, that tries to make a CIA agent into the leader of (guiless) "progressives". With over a million hits for Kos + CIA at Google, why didn't Alternet include that information (or issue) in their biography? I'll tell you why. Many of us progressives are being played like a cheap guitar.)

I think Congressman Barney Frank is "crashing the gates" of the Democratic Party much more usefully as gay man self-acknowledged, compared to Markos Moulitsas "crashing the gates" of the Democratic Party as a CIA-trained (ex?) agent, (ex?) Republican, (ex?) homophobe, who is connected to right wing groups in El Salvador, who will not state whether he benefits financially or not from his family's destruction of the Jaltepeque Estuary, in greater San Salvador, El Salvador.

If anyone has any information (aside from the above letter) indicating that Moulitsas is (or is not) a homophobic gay hypocrite, then please add it to the comments below.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Indictment of Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA by Justice and History (Updated with Additional Information and Counts)

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ross-posted at the Now Public.

Having discovered that Markos C. A.Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ), (founder and owner of DailyKos) has a long history of participation in and support of the Republican Party and, moreover, trained or worked or "interviewed" with the US Central Intelligence Agency betwee 2001 and 2003, now research into the life and history of Markos C. A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ) has revealed and established the following facts and, therefore, justice and history now bring this thirty-one count indictment of Markos C. A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ):

1). Markos C. A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA was actively at Central Intelligence Agency offices in Washington, DC, training to become a CIA agent for two years, between 2001 and 2003, with or without pay. (Listen carefully to MAMZ's speech to the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, on June 2, 2006.) He says that he started training at the CIA to be a "secret agent" in 2001 and finished his training when the Howard Dean campaign took off, which was in 2003. Since secret agents are trained to offer cover stories, false backgrounds and provide false information, therefore, nothing that MAMZ, his supporters and associates say can be accepted at face value.

2). Markos C. A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA was born in Chicago, not in El Salvador. Therefore, he is a US citizen is NOT and never was an immigrant, in spite of his habitual assertions to the contrary.

3). Markos C. A. Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) has used at least three aliases, including Mark Moulitsas, and Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga and Markos Moulitsas and Markos C. A. Moulitsas. No one seems to know MAMZ's complete name with certainty, but it certainly is not what he has said it is.

4). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA lied when he said "I don’t have money. I don’t come from a famous or powerful family. I was an immigrant to the United States." CatoUnbound.Org:Markos Moulitsas [ZÚÑIGA] Counter to the rags to riches immigrant story MAMZ has conveniently adopted recently for public consumption, MAMZ has said that he can and does "always close the door" on immigrant identity "in detached selfishness."

5). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA was a Ronald Reagan Republican, taking credit for supporting Ronald Reagan, campaigning for George. H.W. Bush, and for Republican Representative Henry Hyde, the House prosecutor in the Clinton impeachment hearings.

6). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ) is not a "liberal" and he is not a "progressive." In an essay submitted to the Northern Illinois University campus newspaper, the Northern Star, MAMZ strenuously opposed ALL service by gays in the US military, a position more extremely Republican and discriminatory than that taken by many other military members and conservatives. Northern Star

7). Like David Duke and the Klu Klux Klan, Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA promotes "states rights," a codeword for opposition to integration and determined acts and policies of segregation. Is DailyKos a White Supremacist Group?

8). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA has told the media, without naming her, that his mother "returned to El Salvador several years ago to run a hotel." San Francisco Gate

9). In fact, Mr. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s family owns a sumptuous and “exclusive” resort hotel and tourism conglomerate in El Salvador called the "Club Joya del Pacífico" (Club Jewel of the Pacific) a unit of which is the (Jaltepeque Suites Hotel).

10). Demonstrating his connection to these, what MAMZ has called "family business" interests, Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA invited his wife, friends and family to celebrate his honeymoon with him at the this Jaltepeque Suites Hotel after he was married in the year 2000.

(For some reason, the original link no longer works. Fortunately, we have two screenshots from his wedding album, including their web addresses, to prove that the album was public before its significance was pointed out. And now it's gone.)

11). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA ZÚÑIGA's "family business" actually received five million dollars in foreign investments between 1997 and 2000, immediately before the period in which MAMZ states that he sought work at the CIA because he was "underemployed, unemployed." Audiotape of 2006 Speech to the Commonwealth Club.

12). Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga, the “family” member listed in government records as “manager” of the Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s hotel is also president of the “Junta Directiva” of the CÁMARA SALVADOREÑA DE TURISMO (CASATUR), the national tourism board of El Salvador, according to El Salvador's "La Prensa" newspaper. He has aggregated power in El Salvador through participation in a series of interlocking tourism-related directorates and has used this power to facilitate the destruction of the Jaltepeque Estuary by his hotel conglomerate, Club Jewel of the Pacific, even though the Jaltepeque Estuary is universally recognized by international groups as an endangered habitat for imperiled marine life. VII. MACROPOLITICAS, CONVENIOS INTERNACIONALES Y LEGISLACIÓN QUE INCIDE EN LAS ÁREAS DE CONSERVACION (VII. Macropolitics, International Conventions and Legislation Regarding Conservation)
. . . [P]resión urbana y la descontrolada dinámica de ocupación de la zona esta generando un fuerte y rápido deterioro provocando una alteración en dicho ecosistema. Urban pressure and the uncontrolled dynamic of occupation of the zone is generating a strong and rapid deterioration, provoking a deterioration of said ecosystem." Guide to Sustainable Development of the Jaltepeque Estuary in the La Paz Region.
See also:

Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA's "Family Business" Pollutes Unique Salvadoran Lagoon and Threatens Wildlife Species.

Why Has Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (M.A.M.Z.) Lied About His Wealthy Salvadoran Oligarchy Family Background?

13). Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga, the man listed in public documents as the “manager” of the Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s Jaltepeque Suites Hotel, is also president of the “Junta Directiva” of the CÁMARA SALVADOREÑA DE TURISMO (CASATUR), the national tourism board of El Salvador. In addition, he is a member of the member of the “Junta Directiva” of the “Sistema de Integración de Centroamerica” (System for Integration of Central America).

14). The man listed as the manager of the Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s hotel is also named in Salvadoran Government documents as the “ADMINISTRADOR UNICO PROPIETARIO” (Administrator Sole Proprietor) of PRODUCTOS TURISTICOS Y OTROS, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA DE CAPITAL VARIABLE - PROTURO, S.A. DE C.V. CNR.GOB.SV: Names and Credentials

15).Proturo, S.A. de C.V. is also known as the “Baja Salt Group,” which does business as “Baja Salt.”

16). Baja Salt distributes table salt and industrial salt in the United States, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, Central and South America, and maintains offices in Odessa, Texas, where President George W. Bush was born. This Odessa, Texas office shares a telephone number, fax number and physical address with a peculiar equipment rental and petroleum industry business, Light Tower Rentals, Ltd, listed along with Halliburton Energy Services Group in the Texas organization records of USA Oilfield. These activities associated with Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga's Baja Salt Group have not been sufficiently explained. See "The Secret "Family Business" of Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga (DailyKos)"

17). Baja Salt is the sole Central American distributor for the salt produced by Mexico’s Exportadora de Sal, S.A. (ESSA).

18). Baja Salt/ESSA is a notorious polluter of pristine grey whale and sea turtle spawning grounds and habitat in Baja Mexico.

19). ESSA is represented in its environmental pollution cases by the same Skadden, Arps powerhouse law firm that represents The Carlyle Group.

20). The internationally powerful Carlos Alberto Delgado ZÚÑIGA , the “family” member listed in government records as “manager” of the Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s hotel (see screenshot) was on the organizational member board of El Salvador’s ANEP, the Asociación Nacional de Empresas Privadas (National Association of Private Corporations).

21). ANEP is listed by the US Central Intelligence Agency as a right-wing political pressure group.

22). ANEP is "a lobby of El Salvador’s most influential businessmen" that advocates free markets and “wants to privatize El Salvador’s water delivery” and its hospitals, which has led to large popular demonstrations in El Salvador against ANEP’s pro-corporate policies. CountryData.Com

23). The large national and international corporate members of ANEP were the principal political opponents of Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero at the time when he was assassinated. CIA: Political Pressure Groups

24). ANEP ran a vigorous media campaign against El Salvador’s populist Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero in the months that led up to his assassination on March 24 1980.

25). The corporate members of ANEP were the principal political opponents of Catholic Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero when he was assassinated. CIA: Political Pressure Groups

26). While Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA was supporting Ronald Reagan and campaigning for other Republicans, the Reagan Administration provided billions of dollars in military and other aid to the Salvadoran Government and to the right-wing pressure groups believed to be responsible for the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero.
Total United States aid to El Salvador rose from US$264.2 million in fiscal year (FY) 1982 to an estimated US$557.8 million in FY 1987. On average over this period, economic aid exceeded military aid by more than a two-to-one ratio.

Economic aid was provided in the form of Economic Support Funds (ESF), food aid under Public Law 480 (P.L. 480), and development aid administered by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). ESF was intended to provide balance of payments support to finance essential non food imports. Assistance with food imports as well as the direct donation of foodstuffs was accomplished through the P.L. 480 program. Development aid covered a broad spectrum of projects in such fields as agriculture, population planning, health, education, and training.

For FY 1987, regular non supplemental ESF appropriations totaled US$181.7 million, and combined food and development aid amounted to US$122.7 million. The regular FY 1987 appropriation for military aid was US$116.5 million. Mongabay.Com: Country Studies/El Salvador

27). In 1983, another source provided the U.S. embassy with a chilling account of how death-squad operations were planned, financed and executed. According to the source, these right-wing death squads, which were all connected to D'Aubuisson's group,
“get their orders from paymasters in the Sol family ... younger members of the de Sola family and some members of the National Association of Businessmen (ANEP) ... The chain of command then proceeds to death-masters like [deleted] [who] have contacts with retired officers who go around to the different security forces as "black bag" men, paying off and recruiting likely foot-soldiers. The latter are recruited at the lower and even middle levels (captains and majors) of the different security forces. Death squad hit-men thus recruited are on the receiving end of a vertical hierarchy leading up to the paymasters (whom the foot-soldiers do not know...).”Center for International Policy
28). In spite of the leadership role of Carlos Alberto Delgado ZÚÑIGA in ANEP, and ANEP's role in the events leading to the assassination of Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero, Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA has told the public and his supporters -- cynically and as part of a continuing history of misinformation and deception -- that Archbishop Oscar Romero was one of his "heroes."

29). DailyKos practices blog apartheid, banning Black voices and restricting overall minority membership to less than 4% of membership. Is DailyKos a White Supremacist Group?

30). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA could not be unaware of these facts, and yet, through dozens or hundreds of media interviews, he has persistently hid his knowledge of these facts, and of his family’s role, from his supporters and from the American public.

31). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA has lied to the public about whom he really is, and he is not the person who he pretends to be, but is an impostor who makes a mockery of progressive people and progressive values.

Still, myriad questions remain and demand to be answered about his activities:

1). Why has Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA NEVER, EVER revealed in public the name of even ONE of his blood relatives?

2). What is the name of the uncle of Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA who was once the Minister of Education in El Salvador (if he in fact exists at all)?

3. Why has Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA not revealed that the “manager” of his “family business” in El Salvador, Carlos Alberto Delgado ZÚÑIGA , was a member of the organization member board of ANEP?

4). Who is Maria Elizabeth ZÚÑIGA de Delgado, the woman listed in Salvadoran Government documents as “Alternate Administrator” of Proturo, S.A. de S.V.?

5). To what degree does Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA stand to benefit financially from the ongoing financial and political activities of Carlos Alberto Delgado ZÚÑIGA, Maria Elizabeth ZÚÑIGA de Delgado, Club Joya del Pacífico, the Jaltepeque Suites Hotel unit, the Baja Salt (Group), PROTURO, ESSA, ANEP, Light Tower Rentals of Odessa, Texas, and any related persons, corporations, groups, economic and political activities?

6). Why has Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA never acknowledged, disavowed and disconnected himself from these activities?

7). Is Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA now receiving and/or has he ever received (e.g. in 2001) payments or other compensation from the US Government, directly or indirectly, for his intelligence work or other activities? (Please refer to and review now the audiotape of MAMZ's comments to at the Commonwealth Club on June 2, 2006, in San Francisco, CA.)

8). Why has Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA lied about so many things to so many people and why did he suddenly begin to present himself as a "progressive" during the period of his at least six-months involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency?

9). Why would any responsible candidate or voter of the Democratic Party accept money or advice from an self-acknowledged two-year CIA applicant/trainee?

10). With so many serious and troubling questions raised about the work and history of Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA and his family, the judgment of justice and history call upon and compel the public, the media and elected officials to reevaluate the truth and history of Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA, carefully comparing his unverified stories and self-serving propaganda to the facts documented above.


Sue said...

Thanks for your valuable contribution!

Francis L. Holland Blog said...

Thank YOU, Sue!

Anonymous said...


Francis L. Holland Blog said...

Anonymous, thank you for dropping by.

If there is any single point in this Indictment that you would like to try to refute with particularity, the rest of us would be very interested in any additional information about Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) that you might be able to offer.

erik said...

thanks, not sure yet what to make of all this, but it would explain why Kos is so violently, unreasonably opposed to election integrity and an honest 9/11 investigation.

Francis L. Holland Blog said...

Erik, it helps put a lot of things into decidedly better perspective. I could never trust anyone who has a history like this, and present thought process such as MAMZ has displayed, ie. he "would have no trouble working for the CIA today" because its a "liberal agency."

Erik said...

SourceWatch and Wikipedia are missing the complete story on Kosúniga

Francis L. Holland Blog said...

Erik, feel free to go and fix it. You've certainly got all of the information you need right here.

Morgaine said...

Well, this would explain why he's such a sexist asshole. If anyone has information to disprove any of it, I hope you'll post it. I'd like to know if this guy is a CIA operative, too.

Wade said...

Kos is definitely C.I.A. The reason why he won't tolerate anything on his blog (regarding 9/11) besides the official myth is that he is what's known as a "left gatekeeper", which is somebody who the C.I.A. (etc.) hires to pose as a liberal for purposes of controlling the discussion. The establishment aims to control both sides of any debate you see. On the one hand there are conservative and right-wing mouthpieces and "opposing" them are paid-for left gatekeepers like Kos, the fellow who owns MyDD, Michael Moore, "libertarian" gatekeeper Bill Maher, etc. Another left gatekeeper blog is Crooks & Liars. I've been banned from there for discussing the truth about 9/11.

The purpose of the gatekeepers is to keep discussion confined within "safe" parameters. For example a Kos or a Michael Moore might say that Bush and Cheney have politicized 9/11 and milked it but would vehemently oppose someone saying that 9/11 was an inside job done by elements within the U.S. government and was approved by Bush and Cheney. They steer discussion away from areas that are damaging to the establishment. It's all about control of the debate while maintaining the fiction of open discourse.